Course 1: Entry Level Introduction to Python Pricing Support
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Flexible Learning
Self-paced Learning
2 month subscription
Learning at your own pace from 20-hour video lectures by our founder
Testing your learning using step-by-step quizzes
Interacting with lecturers and other students via online Github forum
Interactive one-on-one office hours can be added on demand
Interactive - Flexible
Live Group Interaction
2 month subscription
Flexible package
20 hrs of live office hours and lab sessions
Live office hours are fixed on a weekly basis. Please verify your availability before choosing a date
Maximum 10 students per class
Best Value
VIP - Flexible
Small Group Interaction
2 month subscription
Flexible package
20 hrs of live office hours and lab sessions
Live office hours are fixed on a weekly basis. Please verify your availability before choosing a date
Same benefits as Interactive except maximum 4 students per class
Weekly live office hours and lab sessions may be flexible depending on student demand
Fully Customized 1-on-1
30 hours (personalized)
Personalized learning
Customized to each student’s own pace
Comprehensive pre-assessment
Guaranteed proficiency in course content
Final evaluation report of student progress
Flexible package included
More hours can be added tailored to students demand
1 on 1 student live support ($100 per hour)
Available to all students
Add anytime to any package
Flexible teacher support time to accommodate student schedule
Help solve individualized problems